Promotional Fine Print

We love our clients and love to help in anyway possible with promotions, etc. but to maintain stability within the business Matt King Photography has laid out a few fine-print details for all promotional items and discounts. Please read through the following information and feel free to text/call with any questions. Thanks, Matt

Promotional items can be used with any G10Child, Family, or Senior Session.  Cannot be used with any other offers, previously made appointments, pre-orders and or previously discounted orders. Promotional items cannot be used in conjunction with baby plan, business photographs, daycare, and or school related photographs. Promotional items must be presented when you book your session and cannot be used to pay on or receive discounts on the remaining balance of your order. Canaan 1Promotional items include but are not limited to online promos, Facebook promos, digital gift cards, printed gift cards, gift credits, Etc..

Some expiration dates do apply. Make sure to read your promotional item to understand your expiration date. When booking an appointment you can book it for anytime within the calendar year but you must have your appointment into the books by the expiration date.

Please feel free to contact us with any questions or concerns that you might have. Thanks, Matt